You can find the troubleshooting chart with the most frequent errors in our "Installation Guide" in Jaltest software, under the section "Troubleshooting".
We know that sometimes inconveniences can arise. Therefore, we have created this step-by-step guide to solve the most common errors as quickly as possible. You just have to follow the steps mentioned, we have included images to facilitate solving the problem.
In order to access the "Installation Guide" follow the steps below:
1. Click on 'Help Menu".
2. Click on "Installation Guide"
3. You will be able to access general product information through "Index", if you need to check information related to software error codes, please check page 17.
Remember that to access certain technical support functions a Jaltest ATS license is required.
We have officially rolled out our Advanced Technical Support (ATS). You may want to inquire about this high-level and valuable technical expertise support from our Jaltest Diesel Technicians!
Check these articles for information: