To re-activate your license or apply License Renewals/upgrades on your unit, follow these steps below:
We know that sometimes inconveniences can arise. Therefore, we have created this step-by-step guide to re-activate your license as quickly as possible. You just have to follow the steps mentioned, we have included images to facilitate solving the problem.
1. You need to have your Jaltest unit plugged in by USB to the laptop.
2. Click on "Days of license" located at the bottom right corner of your Jaltest software.
3. Click on “License process renewal" and “License Management” (this option will prompt you to close your software).
5. Click "Activate the license" and your license renewal will be applied.
Remember that to access certain technical support functions a Jaltest ATS license is required.
We have officially rolled out our Advanced Technical Support (ATS). You may want to inquire about this high-level and valuable technical expertise support from our Jaltest Diesel Technicians!
Check these articles for information: